Family Week in Hilton Head Island, SC

Each year our family, my mom, sister and her family and Stan and I, all head to Hilton Head Island, SC for a week. We have two condos and spend some of each day together, usually eating at least one meal together each day. It is a great place to relax, the beaches are beautiful and it is the week before college spring break starts, so it is very peaceful. It is also the week of my birthday and the anniversary of the death of my dad. Philip, my dad, passed away on the morning of my birthday five year ago on February 26. We, as a family, decided to spend that week each year together, as long as it is possible. That anniversary is easier when we are all together away from our daily lives and it makes my birthday seem unrelated. We still miss my dad every day but we know he is no longer having to fight the terrible battle of cancer but is instead living in the presence of our King. Now that is something to celebrate!


  1. I can only imagine how difficult it is when your birthday rolls around each year. But, being with family during that time is a wonderful way to celebrate your dad’s life. You have a very cute blog. I’ve enjoyed browsing. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy Belated Birthday to you!Aloha!

  2. What a wonderful blessing to be able to spend time together remembering and celebrating your father’s life. Love, Kellil

  3. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello! I am going to go through your fun site list, you’ve got some good ones i have yet to see!!! Happy sewing! -Allison

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Sweet Sophistication with a Touch of Whimsy

domestic diva, M.D.

my mother raised the perfect housewife...then I went to med school