Stan’s Assault on Mount Mitchell & Recipe for All-Natural Energy Drink

Stan is riding in The Assault on Mount Mitchell ride today. He left Spartanburg, SC at 6:30 and will be riding 102.7 miles with 10,357 feet of climbing! This is his third try and he made it to the top both of his previous efforts. This is Stan, bright and early this morning.
Lots of bikers warming up before heading to the herd of a line.
They arrive by the thousands from all over the nation.
A little plug for this beautiful park. This was taken from site.
There are a few places in the world that still stand apart from the ordinary. Rising more than a mile high, surrounded by the gentle mist of low-hanging clouds, Mount Mitchell State Park is one of these extraordinary places.
In the crest of the timeworn Black Mountains lies the summit of Mount Mitchell, at an elevation 6,684 feet it is the highest point east of the Mississippi. For those who ascend this mighty peak, what looms in the horizon is a feast for the eyes—breathtaking views of the Blue Ridge Mountains, rolling ridges and fertile valleys. Forested and forever misty, 1,946-acre Mount Mitchell State Park will provide you with some of the most tranquil moments you’ll ever experience.
Amazing, isn’t it?
Mark Sisson, Primal Blueprint and health guru, has an all natural energy drink that Stan swears by. Stan has tried many powdered and liquid purchased drinks but this recipe gives him more energy that last longer and keeps him hydrated.

All Natural Energy Drink

11.1 ounce coconut water – Costco is our source but we have found it at Walmart and most grocery stores have it in stock.
3 dashes sea salt
2 tbls honey – we buy local
2 tbls blackstrap molasses – we buy ours from Old Mast General Store
Slightly warm water in a pan on top of stove. Remove from heat and mix rest of ingredients.
This makes enough for one large athletic water bottle.
 Stan makes and refrigerates until needed. He usually multiplies this by 6 and stores in a sealed glass pitcher or jar.

Recipe Monday – Maddie’s Lemonade

My friend, Maddie at, makes the best and easiest lemonade. Whenever my family wants some of it, they ask for Maddie’s Lemonade and so we have dubbed it that name! It is so refreshing and goes great with any summer time meal.

Maddie’s Lemonade

Country Time Pink Lemonade – measure in the cup up to the 2 quart line
Country Time Lemonade (yellow kind) – measure in the cup up to the 2 quart line
2 large naval oranges

In a gallon pitcher, add lemonade mixes. Cut one naval orange in half and squeeze juice over the mix. Add water and stir until mixed well. Slice second orange into thin slices and float on top. I know this sounds so easy and it is but it is also very delicious. The oranges give the lemonade a wonderful flavor. You can half the amounts for a 2 quart but I promise, you will need the gallon. It goes quick!

Sweet Sophistication with a Touch of Whimsy

domestic diva, M.D.

my mother raised the perfect housewife...then I went to med school